Just one week prior to the announcement Liberal Party of
Canada members and supports gathered from across the country in Toronto to hear
candidates for leadership make their final pitch to their would-be
With little time remaining in what some may call the most
important Liberal leadership race since 1991, when Jean Chretien was elected;
Liberals are faced with a very important decision.
However, the gloves have not come off in this final week; as
so many expected. The Liberal Party of Canada has engaged in a history of
eating their own. That has not been the case in recent days. Six candidates
have spoken to Canadians about their vision for the country going forward.
Deborah Coyne, who led off the Toronto showcase, has centred
her message on the notion of a strong central government. She has targeted
Prime Minister Harper for abandoning the other orders of government. However,
in recent days, she did appear to concede her long shot status; promising to
run in a Toronto riding and calling on other candidates to embrace her ideas.
Karen McCrimmon, who will be remembered for her Toronto
Convention Centre entrance to a live bagpiper, the former servicewoman has long
spoken of her credentials. She offered herself up as the ‘resume candidate’
with a specialization in foreign affairs. But she too, has long accepted her
status as a long-shot candidate.
Martin Cauchon’s candidacy seems to have left him someone
forgotten. Cauchon came into this race with a experience and a mind for
progressive policy that should have made him a front runner. But his late entry
combined with a campaign was based more on attacking the actual front runner
than unveiling his own direction for the party left him low on many ballots.
Joyce Murray, the candidate of choice by many in the media
with the most likely chance to take victory from Justin Trudeau, has framed
herself as the ‘anti-Justin.’ She was to be the candidate of ideas. She was to
be the candidate who had a plan to defeat Stephen Harper. But her primary
platform point of an electoral non-aggression pact with the New Democratic and
Green Parties of Canada has drawn significant criticism from those supporting
other candidates. This alone has made it difficult to see how she ever could
have amassed enough second choice votes to move into a front running position.
Justin Trudeau: son of former Prime Minister Pierre Elliot
has been considered the front runner even before this race began. Coming out to
the Toronto Convention Centre audience with an impressive show of lights and
smoke, Trudeau has made it easy for all eyes to be on him. His speeches have
been rousing and bustling. They have been heavy on hope. They have been light
on substance. It is what Liberal Party members and supporters have come to
expect. Moreover, it is exactly what many in the Liberal Party are seeking; an
inspiring young leader who can out-politician Prime Minister Harper and Thomas
Mulcair. Was this enough to crown him leader?
We now know the answer is, “Yes.”
Martha Hall Findlay; whom I marked with the first choice on
my ballot demonstrated throughout this race what we have seen from her since
she first ran for leader in 2006; a keen mind for policy and taking government
in a direction that will make life simpler for Canadian. She has touted her
ability to take on those ‘sacred cows’ of Canadian capital-L Liberalism. She
wants to end the Party’s commitment to agricultural supply management, create a
national child care program, and create a dedicated funding stream toward
Canadian municipalities. These are promises that the other candidates have not
made. More important, it is the most in depth analysis of current Liberal
policy done by any of the six leadership candidates. If this race was only
about policy, she would be a shoe-in. However, it seems many have taken to the
idea of seeking that who will act as the silver bullet to Stephen Harper’s
government in 2015. This is not the goal I have for the party, necessarily. I
still have a goal for a direction in Canada that is greater than simply
removing the current governing party.
With this in mind, my ballot ended up as follows:
Martha Hall Findlay
Justin Trudeau
Joyce Murray
Martin Cauchon
Deborah Coyne
Karen McCrimmon
I started out this race in George Takach’s corner. I chose
not to follow him to Justin Trudeau’s campaign because I simply do not believe
that M. Trudeau is ready to lead a national party, let alone a government. There
is a degree to which I still believe this. But I also know a number of the
people Trudeau has surrounded himself with. They are intelligent individuals
with a mind for public policy. If they work hard, and I have no doubt they
will, both Prime Minister Harper and M. Mulcair will be in for quite the fight
come 2015.