I have long been what can be called a quiet supporter of "men's rights". I say quiet support because it is not something I have gone out of my way to advertise. I am going to change that today. I am taking this step because a great Canadian passed away recently.
Earl Silverman, a man who spent twenty years of his life crusading for better access to victim and emergency services for men and boy who are victims of abuse, was a victim of abuse himself at the hands of a former spouse. He dedicated his time, energy, and money towards creating a shelter specifically for male victims fleeing abusive situations.
And three days, Earl took his own life.
For the last three years of his life Earl ran the Men's Alternative Safe House out of his own home, taking in about twenty men and children over that period. Earl spend the entirety of his own savings to keep his shelter running while trying to convince government to allocate funds for his and other projects directed at male victims.
After years of being able to keep the shelter running through his own funds and private donations he was driven to financial ruin and forced to sell his home - by extension closing his life's work.
Three days ago, after selling his house, he walked into his garage and hung himself.
Suicide rates have demonstrated to be a predominantly male problem in Canada. In Canada, one in every five hundred men will end their own life. In Yukon, Quebec, and the Northwest Territories that number rises to one in every four hundred men. And in Nunavut, to one in every one hundred men.
Earl made every effort he could to change this. And in end, he spent so much time working to help others like him, but he could not help himself.
I didn't know Earl personally, but I shared his philosophy of equality for all. Because of his work I will no long be a 'quiet supporter of men's rights.'
Monday, 29 April 2013
Sunday, 28 April 2013
Engaging Ontarians on the Budget
This past week, the Ontario Liberal Government announced that they will be presenting the Budget on Thursday, May 2nd.
Yesterday, the Ontario Liberal Party launched engage.ontarioliberal.ca, a website where you can find out more about what the Budget means for you and your family.
The Liberal Budget will lay out a shared vision for the way forward, one towards a prosperous and fair Ontario, now and in the future.
Make sure you're among the first to hear about Ontario's path to balance. Sign up for updates here.
Yesterday, the Ontario Liberal Party launched engage.ontarioliberal.ca, a website where you can find out more about what the Budget means for you and your family.
The Liberal Budget will lay out a shared vision for the way forward, one towards a prosperous and fair Ontario, now and in the future.
Make sure you're among the first to hear about Ontario's path to balance. Sign up for updates here.
Thursday, 25 April 2013
On Earth Day
This previous Monday marked the forty-third annual Earth Day. While the
day is intended to celebrate to celebrate Canada’s natural beauty, the day also
provides an opportunity to educate, empower and motivate Canadian to achieve
solutions that will improve the state of our environment.
Unfortunately, Canadians are currently dealing with a
Conservative government that has gutted environmental protections and abdicated
any national leadership role in combating climate change.
The current federal government must finally recognize and
act on the challenge ahead. Climate change pays no regard to national borders
and remains the most pressing environment issue facing the planet. The
government must stop its delay tactics and immediately introduce a plan to cut
back on Canada’s contribution to global climate change.
On this Earth Day, we must recommit to protecting our
natural environment, particularly for the health and well-being of our children
and grandchildren. To further ignore Canada’s pressing environmental needs
would be a huge disservice to future generations.
It is time for the Government of Canada to take immediate,
concrete action on the serious environmental challenges confronting Canada.
They will not make such changes on their own, however. Where
there are Canadians that care about the environment; they must demand change. The
strongest way to do this is to send the federal government a message by denying
them your vote in 2015. Luckily for those in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA),
two of the government’s leads on the issue of climate change represent constituencies
in our region. Given recent statements by both Peter Kent, Minister of the
Environment and the Member of Parliament (MP) for Thornhill, and Joe Oliver,
Minister of Natural Resources and the MP for Eglinton-Lawrence, it is doubtful
they will heed your call.
As recently as this month Oliver stated, “I think that
people aren’t as worried as they were before about warming of two degrees...”
For Canadians to convince the federal government that they
actually do care, they will need to be loud. Good thing those of us in the GTA
don’t have to travel too far to find the Prime Minister’s most senior
A few thoughts on the new Trudeau ad
I understand why there was a need to respond. I had considered that the Liberal Party sends a stronger a message by not responding; by rising above the attacks of the Conservative Party. But that is exactly how the Party responded to attacks made against the characters of Stephane Dion and Michael Ignatieff.
The contrast between the Conservative and Liberal ads is quite blatant. Trudeau is attempting to frame himself as the softer of the two leaders. He is the one that understands Canadians. He isn't the career politician that Harper is. He is a teacher. And by setting the advertisement in a classroom he is embracing that title.
But will this ad be effective?
Frankly; I'm not certain. Most polling demonstrates that Canadians have already formed an opinion of Trudeau. That is to say, there are very few people left to convince that Trudeau either can, or can't, do the job of Prime Minister. As such, I doubt the Conservative attacks were all that effective either.
For now, anyway, 2015 is still a long way away. If these series of advertisements have taught me one thing, it is this: the Conservative Party of Canada is terrified of Justin Trudeau.
Monday, 22 April 2013
RE: Ontario's green energy future
The following is a copy of an email I received from Conservative MPP for Nipissing Vic Fedeli discussing his party's position on green energy. My biggest issue with this: The unwillingness of Ontario's Conservative Party to accept market influences in the costs of energy. While there is a certain nobility in wanting to subsidize energy costs across the board, this will only encourage Ontarians to ignore managing their consumption, thus putting on greater strain on our environmental sustainability.
Fedeli, Vic <vic.fedeli@pc.ola.org>17 April 2013 12:40To: "Fedeli, Vic" <vic.fedeli@pc.ola.org>
Fedeli, Vic <vic.fedeli@pc.ola.org>17 April 2013 12:40To: "Fedeli, Vic" <vic.fedeli@pc.ola.org>
Thank you for taking the time to write to me about your support for renewable energy in Ontario.
As the Progressive Conservative Critic for Energy, I can tell you that our Party also supports renewable energy. However, we would not go about transitioning to renewables in the way the current government has chosen.
I would like to share with you some information about wind power, in particular.
Wind power is unreliable. Wind blows mostly at night when we don’t need power, creating a surplus Ontario then has to get rid of, often by paying Quebec and the United States to take it. This cost us more than $500 million last year. That’s on top of the $1.8 billion we lost between 2005 and 2011 due to surplus power exports (Auditor General of Ontario, 2011 annual report). Also, wind developers are guaranteed 20 year contracts with subsidies at twice the cost of power to produce, whether the power is needed or not. That cost difference is lumped into what’s called the Global Adjustment charge, which Ontario businesses bear the brunt of. The Auditor says the Global Adjustment will skyrocket to $8.1 billion by next year, up from $700 million prior to the Green Energy Act. Your hydro bill is forecast to increase 46% by 2015, with 56% of that due to new renewable generation (2010 Fall Economic Statement, Government of Ontario). In fact, your hydro rates have now officially doubled since 2003.
Isn’t wind energy "green"?
There’s actually not much that is green about wind power. Prior to the Green Energy Act, Ontario got 25% of its power from renewable energy – hydroelectricity; the cleanest, greenest, most reliable and most affordable power we have. Today, renewables are still 25% with hydro at 22%, and wind at 3%. The difference is we’ve added at least a billion dollars in annual costs to the system. What’s worse is wind gets priority on the grid, which causes us to spill water unused at Niagara Falls when it does blow during the day – we lose $300 million a year doing that. In extreme cases, we also have to shut down nuclear units and vent steam – we spent $80 million doing that last year.
What are the other problems with wind?
Health Canada is currently studying adverse health effects reported by many Ontarians who live in close proximity to industrial wind turbines. As well, the Green Energy Act provides almost no ability to object to where these turbines are sited. In recent months, we’ve seen bald eagles nests torn down to make way for turbines, and windmills sited near a Collingwood-area airport has prompted pilots to voice aviation safety concerns.
What will our caucus do differently?
We would:
- Cancel the Feed-In-Tariff (FIT) subsidies paid to wind developers
- Implement an immediate moratorium on wind power development in Ontario
- Give municipalities veto authority over wind projects in their communities
We support renewable energy, but it must meet the following criteria:
- it must be at a price we can afford
- there must be demand for the power
- there must be a willing host community for the project
- it must be easily connected to the transmission grid
Thank you again for taking the time to write. I hope we can work together to build a clean, affordable energy future for Ontario.
Sunday, 21 April 2013
I'm saying "no" to Bixi
It looks like the folks at Bixi have got themselves into a bit of trouble.
The release of a confidential business plan to city staff and councillors reveals Bixi made Toronto a great deal of promises.
If Toronto agreed to guarantee a $4.8 billion loan, than Bixi (an arms length agency funded by the taxpayers of the City of Montreal) would set up 80 stations with 1000 bicycles. Revenue would be raised from sponsors, subscribers, and one-time riders. This was to be enough to cover operating cost within a decade while turning a profit; to be shared at a 50/50 split.
Now Mayor Miller's giving in to Toronto's bike lobby stands to cost taxpayers millions.
As Chair of the Public Works Committee Denzil Minnan-Wong puts it, "I think we got hosed."
A mere two years following the launch of the program, Bixi Toronto in heading towards bankruptcy. The trend is reminiscent of Bixi projects the world over. In Melbourne, New York, Chicago, D.C., Minneapolis, etc. bicycle rental programs are turning to governments in seek of subsidies to stay afloat.
In the case of Bixi, we are looking at a company that has never turned a profit - even with a 2011 bailout from the City of Montreal to the tune of $108 million.
Now Bixi is approximately $100,000 short of breaking even on its $1.5 million operating expenses. Staff feel this gap can be closed. But this would entail the City of Toronto taking on full responsibility for a deficit inducing asset; much like the Toronto Transit Commission.
This would be inadvisable. Bixi may be seen as a environmental initiative, but the costs associated to a government constantly struggling to come in under budget are just too great. I encourage people to cycle as often as possible - just not at the estimated $3 million annual cost to the taxpayers to keep Bixi afloat in our city.
Friday, 19 April 2013
My #LPCldr round-up
Just one week prior to the announcement Liberal Party of
Canada members and supports gathered from across the country in Toronto to hear
candidates for leadership make their final pitch to their would-be
With little time remaining in what some may call the most
important Liberal leadership race since 1991, when Jean Chretien was elected;
Liberals are faced with a very important decision.
However, the gloves have not come off in this final week; as
so many expected. The Liberal Party of Canada has engaged in a history of
eating their own. That has not been the case in recent days. Six candidates
have spoken to Canadians about their vision for the country going forward.
Deborah Coyne, who led off the Toronto showcase, has centred
her message on the notion of a strong central government. She has targeted
Prime Minister Harper for abandoning the other orders of government. However,
in recent days, she did appear to concede her long shot status; promising to
run in a Toronto riding and calling on other candidates to embrace her ideas.
Karen McCrimmon, who will be remembered for her Toronto
Convention Centre entrance to a live bagpiper, the former servicewoman has long
spoken of her credentials. She offered herself up as the ‘resume candidate’
with a specialization in foreign affairs. But she too, has long accepted her
status as a long-shot candidate.
Martin Cauchon’s candidacy seems to have left him someone
forgotten. Cauchon came into this race with a experience and a mind for
progressive policy that should have made him a front runner. But his late entry
combined with a campaign was based more on attacking the actual front runner
than unveiling his own direction for the party left him low on many ballots.
Joyce Murray, the candidate of choice by many in the media
with the most likely chance to take victory from Justin Trudeau, has framed
herself as the ‘anti-Justin.’ She was to be the candidate of ideas. She was to
be the candidate who had a plan to defeat Stephen Harper. But her primary
platform point of an electoral non-aggression pact with the New Democratic and
Green Parties of Canada has drawn significant criticism from those supporting
other candidates. This alone has made it difficult to see how she ever could
have amassed enough second choice votes to move into a front running position.
Justin Trudeau: son of former Prime Minister Pierre Elliot
has been considered the front runner even before this race began. Coming out to
the Toronto Convention Centre audience with an impressive show of lights and
smoke, Trudeau has made it easy for all eyes to be on him. His speeches have
been rousing and bustling. They have been heavy on hope. They have been light
on substance. It is what Liberal Party members and supporters have come to
expect. Moreover, it is exactly what many in the Liberal Party are seeking; an
inspiring young leader who can out-politician Prime Minister Harper and Thomas
Mulcair. Was this enough to crown him leader?
We now know the answer is, “Yes.”
Martha Hall Findlay; whom I marked with the first choice on
my ballot demonstrated throughout this race what we have seen from her since
she first ran for leader in 2006; a keen mind for policy and taking government
in a direction that will make life simpler for Canadian. She has touted her
ability to take on those ‘sacred cows’ of Canadian capital-L Liberalism. She
wants to end the Party’s commitment to agricultural supply management, create a
national child care program, and create a dedicated funding stream toward
Canadian municipalities. These are promises that the other candidates have not
made. More important, it is the most in depth analysis of current Liberal
policy done by any of the six leadership candidates. If this race was only
about policy, she would be a shoe-in. However, it seems many have taken to the
idea of seeking that who will act as the silver bullet to Stephen Harper’s
government in 2015. This is not the goal I have for the party, necessarily. I
still have a goal for a direction in Canada that is greater than simply
removing the current governing party.
With this in mind, my ballot ended up as follows:
Martha Hall Findlay
Justin Trudeau
Joyce Murray
Martin Cauchon
Deborah Coyne
Karen McCrimmon
I started out this race in George Takach’s corner. I chose
not to follow him to Justin Trudeau’s campaign because I simply do not believe
that M. Trudeau is ready to lead a national party, let alone a government. There
is a degree to which I still believe this. But I also know a number of the
people Trudeau has surrounded himself with. They are intelligent individuals
with a mind for public policy. If they work hard, and I have no doubt they
will, both Prime Minister Harper and M. Mulcair will be in for quite the fight
come 2015.
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